Sunday, March 13, 2016

Elder Bednar - No Gays in the Church

To be honest, when I first heard Elder Bednar say there were no homosexuals in the Church my reaction was: because anyone who is left is likely trying very hard to pretend they're straight so that they don't get bullied or kicked out, or even more importantly, so that they are allowed into heaven.

There are fewer and fewer gays who find the strength to keep attending and stay active, I stopped going months ago and many of the gays I knew nationwide (who were active) have also gone inactive since I left.

Soon Elder Bednar's words will actually be true, and in part I believe that that's how the Apostles want it. I honestly do believe that they don't want gays or anyone else who challenges their sense of perfection in the Church and I honestly believe it's because we are viewed as impure, unholy or simply "not good enough". I may be wrong but the Apostles haven't done anything to suggest that I am.

This is in both English and Spanish. Elder Bednar's rhetoric is so confusing and makes absolutely no sense to me. Also, if you're going to claim that there are no homosexual members of the Church then you have to also claim that there are no heterosexual members of the Church. At which point you have to acknowledge that your entire premise of sexuality and gender being integral to Salvation and eternity is flawed and non-existent.

The Proclamation on the Family made it very clear that gender and sexual identity are of eternal importance to the Plan of Salvation. So that alone makes the argument of a society without defined identities counterproductive to God's plan.

Also if we did have such a definition-less society there would be no point in making any distinction between heterosexual marriage and gay marriage which would effectively make gay marriage appropriate in God's eyes despite the Church's constant insistence on the opposite. Gay marriage would become, to the Church, the simple union of two loving children of God. Much like how it is already perceived by the so called Apostates of the Church.

Preguntas y Respuestas con élder David A. Bednar, del Cuórum de los Doce, 23 de febrero de 2016¿Cómo pueden hacer los miembros homosexuales de la Iglesia para vivir y seguir firmes en el Evangelio?
Posted by Biblioteca SUD on Sunday, February 28, 2016

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