I think most Americans would agree that we are tired of constant warfare like what have experienced these past 15 years. Even Republicans, who make the military their one of their top priorities, seem to be tired of these unending wars.
So, America's fascination with Donald Trump becomes even more confusing (as if it isn't confusing enough already). How many wars has Donald Trump fought so far in this Presidential election alone?
1. The Megyn Kelly War - platform: Twitter, TV; reason - personal dislike
2. The Vatican War - platform: Twitter; reason - disagreement on religious issues
3. The Dick War - platform: Twitter, TV, Rallies; reason - crude insults on sexual body parts
4. The Protesters War - platform: Rallies, TV, Twitter; reason - believes booing and disapproval of him needs to be silenced by violence
5. The Sanders War - platform: Twitter; reason - Sanders' supporters disapprove of Trump and say so, Trump believes Sander's should control "his people" or face violent consequences
6. The Fox War - platform: Twitter, TV, Rallies; reason - Trump believes Fox News is mean to him
7. The CNN War - platform: Twitter, TV; reason - Trump doesn't like CNN's Debate platform, tells CNN to pay money or he won't attend
I know I'm missing some but this is good enough to give a general idea of what Trump's Presidency will be like. First off, it'll be a real life episode of Mean Girls. Second, can you imagine how North Korea, Russia, Iran and other nations will react to his insults? ISIS bombed France because the publishing company drew the Islamic Prophet Muhammad; what will they do when Trump accuses Abu Bakr of having a sexual deformity? If Trump doesn't lead us into a long series of real life wars, we will have a White House media filled with endless Twitter Wars, TV Wars, and Civil Unrest.
If you're wanting Peace in America, Trump is not the way to get it. He already has at least 7 Wars under his belt and he's not even President yet.
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