Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mormons for Trump?

Anyone who personally knows me will know that I have absolutely no respect for Donald Trump as a person or as a Presidential candidate, I've been quite clear on my views regarding his lack of qualifications and unsafe social/political positions. However, at this point I'm not going to go on a tirade about Trump himself or his views/policies. Instead I want to touch on a few basic realities about Mr. Trump and primarily focus on how terrified I am that Mormons, even "high ranking" leaders (including retired ones) are actually supporting him in his candidacy.

Donald Trump has proven himself to be racist, on multiple occasions and in multiple ways. Most recently he discussed torture tactics and promoted a (false) mass murder story of Americans butchering Muslims and claimed that that was the direction America needed to go in. Click HERE for CNN story. He's also promoted plans to forcibly identify Muslims in the U.S. (very similarly to how Jews etc. were treated in Nazi Germany) and bar immigration to an entire ethnic and religious group of people worldwide. All of this is in addition to other statements made against Blacks and Hispanics.

President Hinckley, one of the longest serving Presidents and Prophets of the LDS Church made his views on racism perfectly and crystal clear:

I remind you that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ. How can any man holding the Melchizedek Priesthood arrogantly assume that he is eligible for the priesthood whereas another who lives a righteous life but whose skin is of a different color is ineligible? 
This statement would also apply to those who follow and support such statements. According to President Hinckley, supporting Donald Trump should technically call your Priesthood worthiness into question. Even more so, it is highly inappropriate for any member of the Church (especially a former General Authority) to openly endorse such a candidate and help lead his campaign.

There are a sheer host of problems with Donald Trump and his positions in relation to the generally stated positions of the LDS Church including his repeated remarks degrading women and for his immigration policies against Mexico (which are opposite of official LDS Church positions).

Also his frequent use of insults and degrading language to any and all persons opposite of him are completely out of line for any faithful Mormon to support or encourage. This is a truth that should be common knowledge to all Mormons considering the constantly taught Christian value of respectful communication and denunciation of bullying in any form. This isn't just something that a modern Church representative or General Authority has taught or said but it also is a basic principle taught by Jesus Christ and is repeatedly found in the Bible. Donald Trump's communication habits are far from Christlike in multiple aspects. What have you heard from him that uplifting to others in any way?

Despite whatever his opinions are, honest or otherwise, his principles have routinely (and currently) come into conflict with the stated values of the LDS Church, and Christianity in general. I am not saying that all of the current LDS or Christian values are actually morally right, but I am saying that if you hold yourself to a certain standard of morality then you are held responsible in comparison to those beliefs. If you denounce bullying and racism yet openly endorse bullies and racists then you are behaving as a hypocrite against your own beliefs and stated values.

Why am I talking about this of all things? Isn't this a little more just about politics instead of about the Church or its members? Well, not quite. I just learned that Elder Robert Oaks, formerly a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, and a retired Air Force General (and who also happens to be the cousin of Elder Dallin H. Oaks, currently an Apostle in the Church) has openly endorsed Donald Trump's candidacy and has become a leading member of Utah's Trump Campaign network.

Not only am I embarrassed at this unfortunate behavior but I am also concerned that his status as a retired General Authority in the Church will serve to inappropriately encourage Mormon votes for Donald Trump. This status affect can easily be accomplished unintentionally and subconsciously among Mormon voters, even if Elder Robert Oaks does not attempt to use his status as a talking point for the campaign. Among Latter Day Saints there is a tendency to believe that individuals who are given important or recognizable callings are proven to be "righteous". That tendency is even more prominent when we refer to General Authorities, in many ways it seems to have become a taboo in Mormon culture to question any word or action coming from a high ranking official out of fear that we are challenging the Church itself and therefore challenging God himself. I worry that at least some Church members may see Elder Robert Oaks' support as proof that Trump's positions are in line with Church teachings and will vote accordingly, even to the point of actively dismissing all negative feedback against the man and the campaign.

I intend to showcase the LDS deferment to their leaders in another post with it's pro's and con's, but for this post I think it is enough to simply say that the words and behaviors of individual Church leaders have a profound effect on members and their opinions. I am deeply saddened and even angry to see that power used (again even unintentionally) to persuade people towards political stances contrary to Gospel principles.


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